Human rights

Showing 73-84 of 104 results


UNU-CPR Bolsters Peace and Conflict Prevention Expertise

Dr Erica Gaston has been appointed Senior Policy Advisor and Head of the Conflict Prevention and Sustaining Peace Programme at UNU-CPR.

01 Oct 2021


Reducing Mistreatment of Migrant Domestic Workers

In this UNU-MERIT webinar, Prof. Toman Barsbai will discuss the results of an experiment designed to reduce mistreatment of migrant domestic workers.



Recovering From COVID-19: The Role of Sustainable Finance To End Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking

UNU-CPR organized a side event at HLPF 2021 exploring the key role of the financial sector in addressing modern slavery and human trafficking.



Call for Applications: Global Leadership Training Programme in Africa

UNU-IAS is accepting applications until 30 June 2021 for the six-week online training “Global Leadership and Sustainable Development in Africa”.

15 Jun 2021

Blog Post

Towards a Human Rights-Based Approach to Artificial Intelligence

Core values like universality, equality and non-discrimination should exist online, as they do offline, and in the design and implementation of AI.

31 Mar 2021


Youth Migration and the Politics of Wellbeing: Book Launch and Discussion of International Policy Priorities for Unaccompanied Minors in Transition to Adulthood

Book launch event for "Youth Migration and the Politics of Wellbeing" by Professor Elaine Chase and Dr Jennifer Allsopp and discussion.
