
Showing 109-120 of 131 results


Second Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Certificate Launches for the Financial Sector

FAST and ACAMS initiatives have launched a second free training certificate.

27 Sep 2021


Recovering From COVID-19: The Role of Sustainable Finance To End Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking

UNU-CPR organized a side event at HLPF 2021 exploring the key role of the financial sector in addressing modern slavery and human trafficking.



Recovering From COVID-19: The Role of Sustainable Finance To End Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking

This event explored how the financial sector can address modern slavery and human trafficking, with a focus on the aftermath of COVID-19.



A Survivor’s Guide to Money - Virtual Book Launch

This virtual book launch for “A Survivor’s Guide to Money" featured expert speakers from survivor support organizations and the financial sector.



Finance Against Slavery and Trafficking Enters New Phase of Growth

UNU-CPR appoints Daniel Thelesklaf as Head of Secretariat and Project Director of FAST and welcomes new partnership with Norad to support FAST.

19 Apr 2021


Developing Freedom Report Launch

This event signalled the launch of a new report by the Permanent Mission of the United Kingdom to the UN and UNU-CPR on modern slavery.



Asia-Pacific Mayors’ Academy Highlights Sustainable Urban Development During Opening Session

The opening session of the Asia-Pacific Mayors’ Academy 2020-2021 was held on 24 November 2020.

01 Dec 2020


Survivor Inclusion Initiative: Best Practice

This webinar discussed best practices relating to the Survivor Inclusion Initiative.



Sustainable Finance’s Role in Reducing Modern Slavery: COVID-19’s Lessons on Protecting the Most Vulnerable

This virtual webinar explored the role of sustainable finance in addressing modern slavery and human trafficking with a focus on the COVID-19 era.

Press Release

New Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Certificate Launched for the Financial Sector

A new online course will assist financial sector actors in identifying and addressing modern slavery and human trafficking risks.

03 Jun 2020


New Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Certificate Launched for the Financial Sector

FAST and ACAMS initiatives have launched a new certificate to help financial sector actors address modern slavery and human trafficking.

03 Jun 2020