Regular workshops and training courses are also held as part of the research and policy analysis programme. Regular events include:
- Short-term training programme on Policy Design and Evaluation (DEIP, DEPP, IATT or Tailored): Mindel van de Laar
- UNU-MERIT Seminar Series
Coordinators: Sneha Marydas & Cecilia Seri - Migration Seminar series
Coordinator: Soha Youssef - PhD Defences, UNU-MERIT PhD programme
Contact: Julia Walczyk
Upcoming Events
Previous Events
Showing 41-48 of 71 results
Are we using the right metrics? Towards a research agenda for measuring how innovation drives the SDGs in Africa
NEW YORK & ONLINE: UNU-MERIT researcher Hugo Hollanders will be speaking at the Science Summit of the 79th United Nations General Assembly, in a session on 13 September.
How big does a 'big-push' poverty intervention need to be? Evidence from experimental variation in the size of asset transfers
MAASTRICHT & ONLINE: The UNU-MERIT Seminar Series kicks off the new academic year with a seminar featuring Christine Valente, Professor of Economics at the University of Bristol.
Varieties of Middle-income Trap: A Latin American Perspective on Structural Change Trajectories and External Demand Constraints
MAASTRICHT & ONLINE: UNU-MERIT's UNESCO Chair on Science, Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Development for Latin America will host a research seminar featuring Prof. Dr. Carlos Bianchi from the Institute of Economics at the University of the Republic (UDELAR) in Uruguay.
Summer School: Public Policy Analysis
This five-day summerschool is offered by Maastricht University and hosted and coordinated by UNU-MERIT in Maastricht, the Netherlands.
Summer School: Public Policy Process
A five-day summerschool offered by Maastricht University and hosted and coordinated by UNU-MERIT.
ITU and UNU-MERIT Summer School on Catalyzing the Digital Future: Digital Transformation for Sustainability
The summer school is a university-level course of one week, which takes place in the Netherlands, between 1-5 July 2024.
MIGNEX conference: New knowledge on migration, development and policy
On 25-26 June 2024, MIGNEX (a project that UNU-MERIT and Maastricht University researchers are involved in) will host an agenda-setting academic conference at the University of Oxford on the links between migration, development and policy.
Integrating Immigrants as a Tool for Broad Development: Experimental Evidence for Portugal and Cape Verde
Learn about the transformative effects of targeted information on the integration of Cape Verdean immigrants in Portugal in this insightful session.