
UN-IATT Online Training on STI Policy for SDGs for Asia-Pacific

ONLINE: Enrollment is now open for a series of 4 training sessions on science, technology and innovation (STI) policy and policy instruments for SDGs for STI officials, policy analysts and experts in Asia and the Pacific, organised by the UN Interagency Task Team on Capacity-Building on STI for the SDGs (UN-IATT WS6).

- Europe/Amsterdam
Event Contact
Dr. Mindel van de Laar
Open to public

The UN Interagency Task Team Workstream 6 (IATT WS6) on Capacity Building in Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) for SDGs - of which UNU-MERIT is a member organisation - has announced a series of 4 online training sessions on STI policy and policy instruments for SDGs for STI officials, policy analysts and experts in Asia and the Pacific. These sessions will take place from 18 to 21 November 2024 at 09:00-11:00 CET each day. The training is open enrollment and has no fee.

UNU-MERIT's Mindel van de Laar, Tommaso Ciarli and Carlo Pietrobelli are all involved as instructors in this series, and Dr. van de Laar is part of the core team in the IATT WS6 working group.

The training aims to build awareness and understanding of key aspects of STI policymaking, policy instruments design and implementation, as well as monitoring and evaluation of STI policies. Building on the various expertises of the engaged UN agencies, this training addresses how these areas contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Objectives of the training

1. Sharing knowledge and practices using different approaches for the design and implementation of STI policies and policy instruments; 
2. Recognizing the importance of transparent, participatory, inclusive and evidence-based STI policymaking processes; 
3. Understanding the importance of establishing an appropriate and well-balanced policy mix of instruments and means that help address the global challenges;
4. Introducing concepts and methodologies around monitoring and evaluating STI policies;
5. Sensitizing the participants to the relationships between STI policies and the SDGs.


Session 1: Current approaches to STI Policy making in the context of SDGs 
November 18 2024, 9-11 a.m. CET 
Session introducing existing approaches and methodologies for policymaking and implementation across UN agencies and beyond with discussion on developing, reviewing and implementing STI policies and strategies. Illustrations of how STI policies are being geared towards achieving SDGs and strengthening STI systems for better responses to current and future crisis, including how science is used for decision-making processes. Gender equality aspects in STI will be discussed, focusing on how design and implementation of STI policies can bridge the gender gap and thus promote gender equality. 

Session 2: STI policy instruments design 
November 19 2024, 9-11 a.m. CET 
The session will introduce key concepts concerning policy instruments, including legal frameworks, funding mechanisms etc., followed by methodological approaches for the design of policy instruments and country experiences. 

Session 3: STI policy instruments implementation 
November 20 2024, 9-11 a.m. CET 
The session will focus on the challenges and good practices for effective implementation of policy instruments. These will be explored through the analysis of its key dimensions as well as the presentation of concrete country experiences. 

Session 4: STI policy Monitoring and Evaluation 
November 21 2024, 9-11 am CET 
The last session will introduce approaches, practices and methods for STI policy Monitoring and Evaluation with presentation and discussion on case studies and examples of current practices, challenges and lessons learnt.

Target audience

STI policymakers, policy analysts and STI officials and managers from countries in Asia and the Pacific, including the Science Technology Engineering & Innovation Policy Asia and the Pacific Network (STEPAN), will be invited to participate in the sessions and discussions and are encouraged to bring examples of STI policies, instruments, activities and practices from their countries’ experiences. 

About the trainers

STI policy specialists from UN agencies and other entities will animate the discussion, deliver lectures and execute interactive exercises during the four sessions. These will include experts from UNESCO, UNCTAD, UNU-MERIT, UNIDO, UNEP, UNECE, UNESCWA, EU-JRC, OACPS R&I and University of Sussex.


To attend one or more of these training sessions, please register here. For more details, click the 'Supporting Document' link below to download the full programme and background notes.

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