
Children’s Right to be Heard

ONLINE: This bilingual seminar, organised by UNU-MERIT's Dr. Julieta Marotta, will feature scholars and practitioners from different jurisdictions discussing children's right to be heard and participate in the legal process.

- Europe/Amsterdam
Event Contact
Dr. Julieta Marotta
Interpretation provided Open to public

On Wednesday 25 September 2024, scholars and practitioners will gather online to speak at the Children’s Right to be Heard Seminar, the intention of which is to offer a space to reflect on the right of children to be heard and participate in the legal process. The event will be held in both English and Spanish (with simultaneous translation), bringing together experts from the Americas and the Netherlands. This is a public event; all who are interested in children’s rights and access to justice for children are welcome to join. 


14:00  Opening Remarks
Marieke Hopman, PhD (Maastricht University)

14:05  Institutionalized adolescents & their Right to be Heard
Julieta Marotta (UNU-MERIT) & Laura Lora (Universidad de Buenos Aires)

14:25  Children in Post-Conflict Peacebuilding and their Right to be Heard 
Lucy Opoka (Leiden University)

15:40  International child abduction & their Right to be Heard 
Mayela Celis Aguilar (Maastricht University)

15:00  Family judges & the Visibility of Children in Court
Alicia Taliercio (former Family Judge Prov. Buenos Aires)

15:20  Directors & the Right of Children to be Heard
Natalia V. González García Cuerva (director Hogar También son Nuestros)

15:35  Open Dialogue

Location: Zoom
Meeting ID: 823 3862 0014 
Password: 466263


This event has been organised by UNU-MERIT's Assistant Professor Julieta Marotta, as part of the children’s rights research grant awarded to the research project on 'Childhood and legal capacity: The case of institutionalised adolescents in the City of Buenos Aires, Argentina'.

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