Ludovico Alcorta

Prof. Dr. Ludovico Alcorta

Professorial Fellow

Ludovico Alcorta is Professorial Fellow on "Technology, Innovation and Sustainable Development" at UNU MERIT, School of Business and Economics, University of Maastricht. 

He has been Director of Industrial Policy, Statistics and Strategic Research at the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and is Chief Technical Advisor on Industrial Strategy to the Government of Oman. While at UNIDO he contributed to the preparation of SDGs 8 and 9.

Ludovico's research and publications are in the areas of new technologies, innovation, industrialization and development, including in journals such as World Development, European Journal of Development Research, Research Policy, Oxford Development Papers, Development, Industry and Innovation, Energy Efficiency, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics as well as in China's Economic Research Journal. He co-edited with Eddy Szirmai and Wim Naude "Pathways to Industrialization in the Twenty-First Century: New challenges and Emerging Paradigms", Oxford University Press, Oxford 2013 (reprinted in paperback in 2017).

Ludo is a Bachelor and Master in Economics from the Universidad del Pacifico, Lima, Peru and a Master of Philosophy in Development Studies and PhD from the University of Sussex, Brighton, UK.