Marco Catussi
Marco has been an Adjunct Assistant Professor at UNU-EGOV since 2024 and an Assistant Professor at the University of Minho.
Serena Caucci
Dr. Caucci is an Adjunct Researcher at UNU-FLORES.
Preeyaphat Chaiklang
Preeyaphat Chaiklang is a Doctoral Researcher in the Joint Ph.D. Programme in Integrated Management of Water, Soil, and Waste between Technische Universität Dresden and UNU-FLORES.
Dr. Sanaz Chamanara
Sanaz Chamanara specializes in sustainability, supply chain management, and ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) practices.
Dr. Dipesh Chapagain
Dr. Dipesh Chapagain is a Senior Research Associate in the Global Mountain Safeguard Research (GLOMOS) programme at UNU-EHS Bonn since July 2023. The GLOMOS programme aims to enhance disaster risk reduction (DRR), climate change adaptation (CCA), and emergency response preparedness (ERP) in global mountains.
Saroj Kumar Chapagain
Saroj Kumar Chapagain is an Associate Programme Officer (Sustainability Assessment) at UNU-FLORES.
Dr. Ambe Emmanuel Cheo
Dr. Cheo works with the PACET Division at UNU-VIE. He is leading research on Water. in the context of Water Energy and Food Nexus, including Climate Change topics. He is also involved in strategic project development, acquisition of funds and project implementation.
Simon Chidodo
Simon Chidodo is part of the Joint PhD Programme of UNU-FLORES and TU Dresde
Dr. Vishwas Chitale
Dr. Vishwas Chitale specialises in climate change adaptation and resilience in the Global South.
Minjeong Choi
Minjeong Choi is a Senior Research Assistant at UNU-FLORES and contributes to research for the “Plastic Pollution in the Environment and Nexus Governance Solutions for Regulating the Single Use of Plastic” project.
Dr. Tommaso Ciarli
Tommaso Ciarli is a Researcher at UNU-MERIT.
Peter Claeys
Dr. Peter Claeys is a part-time Professorial Fellow at UNU-CRIS.
Laura Conti
Laura Conti is a Digital Governance Capacity Building Consultant of the United Nations University (UNU-EGOV) since September 2024.
Elsa Costa e Silva
Elsa Costa e Silva has been an Adjunct Professor at the United Nations University Operating Unit on Policy-Driven Electronic Governance (UNU-EGOV) since 2024.
Davide Cotti
Davide Cotti is Senior Research Associate at UNU-EHS, where he shares his position between the VARMAP and the EVES divisions.
Prof. Paulin Coulibaly
Paulin Coulibaly is a Professor of Water Resources Engineering in the Civil Engineering Department and School of Geography and Earth Science at McMaster University.
Prof. Dr. Robin Cowan
Robin Cowan is Professor of the Economics of Technical Change at the University of Maastricht.
Prof. Irena Frances Creed
Prof. Irena Frances Creed is a distinguished ecosystem scientist with wide-ranging research interests spanning planetary health, climate change, ecology, hydrology, biogeochemistry, sustainability, communities-at-risk, and the science-policy interface.
Johannes Cullmann Cullmann
Johannes is coordinating sustainability related research and partnership activities for UNU-FLORES.
Prof. Allen Curry
Allen Curry is a professor of Biology, Forestry and Environmental Management at the University of New Brunswick (UNB), Fredericton, Canada.