
Lessons from the Survivor Inclusion Initiative (SII) in the UK, US, and Canada

Insights drawn from FAST's Expert Review of financial inclusion and human trafficking 2021 - 2022.

Date Published
13 Sep 2022
Leona Vaughn Janina Pescinski

The Survivor Inclusion Initiative (SII) brings together financial institutions and survivor support organizations (SSOs) to work towards a shared aim of facilitating survivors’ access to basic banking services, such as checking and savings accounts. 

This close collaboration enables safe and reliable engagement with survivors, and has resulted in changed banking practice such as trauma-informed practices and simplified or alternative customer due diligence. 

The SII is now in its third year of operations. To mark this anniversary and learn from challenges and successes so far, an independent Expert Review was commissioned by FAST and took place between November 2021 and April 2022. The Review aims were to help advance the SII's goals of achieving financial inclusion of human trafficking survivors and increasing stakeholder participation. The following briefing highlights some of the insights that were gathered. 

Access "Lessons from the Survivor Inclusion Initiative (SII) in the UK, US, and Canada" in English, Spanish, and French.

Suggested citation: Leona Vaughn, Janina Pescinski. Lessons from the Survivor Inclusion Initiative (SII) in the UK, US, and Canada : UNU-CPR, 2024.

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