Regional economics

Showing 1-12 of 15 results


Educational Mobility in Europe and Central Asia

On 19 October 2023, the UNU-WIDER Seminar Series will host a presentation by Ivan Torre.



Globalization in Crisis — Confronting a New Economic Reality

ONLINE/OSLO: On 10 October 2023, UNU-WIDER will host the 27th WIDER Annual Lecture with Pinelopi (Penny) Goldberg.



Making OECMs Work: Production Landscapes for Effective Area-Based Conservation

An online expert dialogue will be held on a landscape approach to area-based conservation of biodiversity.



What's SDGs? — Ishikawa-san Live News It!

UNU-IAS will contribute to a local news TV programme in Ishikawa as guest commentator on SDGs.



What's SDGs? — Ishikawa-san Live News It!

UNU-IAS will contribute to a local news TV programme in Ishikawa as a guest commentator on SDGs.



What's SDGs? — Ishikawa-san Live News It!

UNU-IAS will contribute to a local news TV programme in Ishikawa by exploring local initiatives towards achieving the SDGs.



Achieving Sustainable Development in the Least Developed Countries

Bringing together the academic community, policymakers, and practitioners to discuss the challenges and policy recommendations for the LDCs.
