
Showing 25-36 of 79 results
Izumi Nakamitsu, High Representative for Disarmament Affairs, briefs the Security Council meeting on the situation in the Middle East (Syria) on 7 February 2023.

Conversation Series

A New Agenda for Peace: Opportunities and Next Steps for Disarmament



Improving Multilateral Approaches to Countering Organized Crime in Conflict-Affected States: Mali and the Central African Republic

Examining why certain conflict-affected states have developed high levels of organized crime - and exploring multilateral responses.

25 Jul 2023


High-Level Advisory Board on Effective Multilateralism

Concrete and practical recommendations for strengthening global governance

24 Jul 2023


Project: Thematic Review on Climate-Security and Peacebuilding

Identifying entry points and pathways for building peace and mitigating conflict in climate-affected and fragile environments.

24 Jul 2023


Stress Testing the UN’s Regional Prevention Approaches

This project was driven by the key question: How can the UN better integrate its regional prevention work to more effectively respond to major crises?

24 Jul 2023


A Breakthrough for People and Planet

Building Momentum for the Summit of the Future and Beyond.

24 Jul 2023


XCEPT Conflict Response: Multi-Actor Interventions in Cross-Border Conflict Contexts

Conducting research on coalition, multilateral, and coordinated interventions in varied cross-border conflict contexts.

24 Jul 2023


Senior Research Fellow Patricia Justino Appointed as Deputy Director of UNU-WIDER

On 1 August 2022, UNU-WIDER appointed Senior Research Fellow Patricia Justino as Deputy Director.

12 Sep 2022