Natural resources

Showing 61-72 of 120 results

Press Release

500 Million People Live in 19 African Nations Deemed Water-insecure

A new report published by UNU-INWEH on the eve of World Water Day 2022 employs 10 indicators to quantify water security in Africa’s 54 countries.

21 Mar 2022


Community-based Activities and Governance for Seascape Restoration

UNU-IAS co-organised an online symposium featuring case studies and good practices for restoring vulnerable marine ecosystems.

15 Feb 2022


The Glasgow Leaders' Declaration on Forests: Déja Vu or Solid Restart?

The Glasgow Declaration on Forests at COP26 was a notable step in addressing deforestation, but improvements are urgently needed.

11 Feb 2022


Community-based Activities and Governance for Seascape Restoration

UNU-IAS will host an online symposium on community-based activities and governance for seascape restoration.



Online Open House for Prospective UNU-IAS Students

On 17 December UNU-IAS will host the first of two online “open house” events for prospective students.



Developing Fiscal States in Africa

On 2 December 2021 UNU-WIDER and the OECD Development Centre will host an online panel discussion on Developing Fiscal States in Africa. 



International Conference on GIAHS 2021

UNU-IAS is co-organising the International Conference on GIAHS 2021 in Nanao City, Ishikawa, Japan.



COP26: Are We Ready?

On 28 October 2021 at 16:00 (UTC+3) UNU-WIDER will organise the online panel discussion "COP26: Are We Ready?"
