Fiscal policy

Showing 1-9 of 9 results


Side Event Discusses Subsidies and Incentives for Biodiversity Conservation

The session was held at the fourth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Implementation of the CBD in Nairobi.

30 May 2024


Afghan Diaspora Remittances: A Lifeline for Families

ONLINE: On 8 November 2023, UNU-MERIT will host a webinar presented by researcher Nasrat Sayed.



Paving the Way for Fiscal Capacity

On 21 March, UNU will host a panel discussion to share insights on the origins of fiscal states in developing economies and their policy implications.



How Can Tax-benefit Systems Support Households Through Crisis?

On 13 December 2022, UNU-WIDER will host a webinar, 'How Can Tax-benefit Systems Support Households Through Crisis?'



Developing Fiscal States in Africa

On 2 December 2021 UNU-WIDER and the OECD Development Centre will host an online panel discussion on Developing Fiscal States in Africa. 



Priorities for Subnational Governments to Overcome COVID-19 and Accelerate SDGs Localisation

A new UNU-IAS report and video offers insights into the challenges and opportunities facing local governments during the global pandemic.

29 Sep 2021


Assessing the Enabling Environment of SDG 6 With Limited Evidence Through the SDG 6 Policy Support System

Assessing the Enabling Environment of SDG 6 with Limited Evidence through the SDG 6 Policy Support System
