Showing 133-136 of 136 results
Assessment of early warning systems in four Indian Ocean Island States (IOC-EWS)
This project will assess the human resources, equipment, and protocols of the EW-EAS systems in Indian Ocean countries and make recommendations.
Evaluating the cost-effectiveness of WFPs food assistance-for-assets activities (implemented under the Resilience Programme) in Niger, in the context of projected drought risk over the next 10-30 years
This project undertakes a climate risk analysis to assess adaptation measures implemented in Niger.
Consolidating and accelerating the Network of Centers of Excellence (NoE) in support of Disaster Risk Reduction, Early Warning and Anticipatory Action in Africa - Phase II
This project is to consolidate and accelerate the Network of Centers of Excellence in support of DRR, Early Warning and Anticipatory Action in Africa.
Financial Management and Policy Planning for Risk Financing: A Comprehensive Architecture towards Resilience
This project will strengthen the financial management of disaster risk and integrate risk financing into key policies where INFFs are used.