
Transdisciplinary Education for Disaster Risk Reduction

Launching the International Network for Advancing Transdisciplinary Education

- Asia/Tokyo
TKP Garden City Sendai Kotodai, Hall 2 (Sendai Park Bldg.) 3-6-1 Kokubun-cho, Aoba-ku, Sendai

UNU-IAS and the University Network for Climate and Ecosystems Change Adaptation Research (UN-CECAR) are co-organizing an official side event at the UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (WCDRR) in Sendai, Japan on 15 March 2015.

Today's highly complex problems spawned by rapid global change evolve too fast for us to adapt effectively. Their inter-connectedness requires a holistic transdisciplinary approach that brings all stakeholders together, including the academe, local government units, businesses, NGOs and communities, to foster rapid feedback and effective exchange of knowledge and experiences that will enable rapid formulation of sustainable solutions.

This public forum will illustrate experiences in transdisciplinary disaster risk reduction (DRR) programmes at respective universities. It will explore the role of partnership with universities in the region, in developing and delivering effective transdisciplinary educational and capacity development programmes. The session will highlight the launching of the International Network for Advancing Transdisciplinary Education (INATE) coordinated by the University Network for Climate and Ecosystems Change Adaptation Research (UN-CECAR), with network partners sealing their commitment to the development and implementation of locally-based, multi-stakeholder projects in DRR. It will also feature a panel discussion that will explore the different perspectives in clarifying issues that relate to transdisciplinarity.



9:30–9:35  Opening remarks

  • Dr. Kazuhiko Takemoto (UNU-IAS)

9:35–10:05  SESSION 1: Transdisciplinary Education Related Activities on Disaster Risk Reduction

  • Sustainability Science Approaches to Disaster Risk Reduction

    Prof. Masaru Yarime  (The University of Tokyo/University College London)

  • Lessons from University-Community Collaboration through University Network in Asia

    Prof. Rajib Shaw (Kyoto University)

  • Case Studies on Co-designing Projects with Stakeholders

    Prof. Toshio Koike (The University of Tokyo)

10:05–10:55  SESSION 2: Stakeholder Support and Commitment

  • APN and its Transdiscplinary Approaches towards Disaster Risk Reduction

    Dr. Linda Anne Stevenson (Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research)

  • Nippon Koei’s Activities and Commitment to Transdisciplinary Research and Development

    Mr. Shigeru Nakamura (R&D Center Nippon Koei Co., Ltd.)

  • ADPC’s Transdisciplinary Approaches towards Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Risk Management in Asia

    Dr. Senaka Basyanake (Asian Disaster Preparedness Centre)

  • Effective Project Planning and Implementation through Transdisciplinary Approaches

    Prof. SB Weerakoon (University of Peradeniya)

  • Summary and Overview

    Prof. Monte Cassim (Asia Pacific Univeristy)

10:55–11:25  SESSION 3: Interdisciplinary Network for Advancing Transdisciplinary Education (INATE)

  • Proactive Response to Climate Extremes and Disasters through Transdisciplinary Approaches

    Prof. Dr. Mai Trong Nhuan (Vietnam National University Hanoi)

  • Enhancing Disaster Risk Reduction in Malaysia with Reference to Flood and Drought and the Role of Research and Innovation

    Prof. Dato’ Dr. Mazlin Mokhtar (University Kebangsaan Malaysia)

  • Introducing INATE – International Network for Advancing Transdisciplinary Education

    Prof. Srikantha Herath (UNU-IAS)

11:25–11:50  PANEL DISCUSSION: Advancing Transdisciplinary Education for Disaster Risk Reduction

  • Moderator: Dr. Srikantha Herath
  • Commentator: Prof. Mohd Raihan Taha (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia)
  • Panelists: All speakers of the previous sessions

11:50–12:00  ENDORSEMENT: International Network for Advancing Transdisciplinary Education (INATE) affiliation document

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