Conflict prevention

Showing 25-36 of 62 results

Conversation Series

“Is the UN Security Council Paralyzed? The Impact of Ukraine on the UN and the World”

UNU will host a Conversation Series event with Ms Karin Landgren, Executive Director of Security Council Report.


Pankaj Mishra

Conversation Series

The Global South and the New Cold War


Elizabeth Spehar

Conversation Series

New Challenges for Multilateralism and Peace



Partnering on Peacebuilding, Climate, and Security in the Sahel Region: Opportunities and Lessons Learned

This high-level side event to the UN General Assembly took stock of recent learning on climate-security and peacebuilding.



Opening Ceremony: Poster Exhibition Commemorating the Hiroshima and Nagasaki Bombings

UNU will join partners for the opening ceremony of the Virtual Poster Exhibition commemorating 77 years since the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings.



UN Security Council Sanctions, International Humanitarian Law, and Humanitarian Action: Contrast and Convergence

This virtual discussion reflected on the ways the Security Council has approached humanitarian action within conflict-related sanctions regimes.



UNU-WIDER Development Conference: The Puzzle of Peace — Towards Inclusive Development in Fragile Contexts

The sessions will cover a range of topics on the themes of peace, security, unrest, and the humanitarian fallout of conflict across the world.



Illicit Economies, Armed Conflict, and Instability

This virtual conference was co-hosted with the German Federal Foreign Office of Germany and GI-TOC.



UNU Statement on Ukraine

UNU stands in solidarity with Ukraine and the international community.

01 Mar 2022

Press Release

Leading UN Think Tank to Launch Geneva Presence

UNU-CPR is delighted to announce that it will open its doors in Geneva with the support of the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs.

22 Feb 2022


Inclusion and Gender Sensitivity for Effective Peace Mediation

This project showed that women’s inclusion and gender sensitivity in peace mediation are inseparable but not interchangeable.

09 Feb 2022