
Stronger Partnerships, Regional Prevention, and the New Agenda for Peace: A Dialogue Towards the Summit of the Future

Critical considerations for the upcoming Summit of the Future.

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UNU-CPR, along with the Challenges Forum, New York University, Oxfam, and the Baha'i International Community, is hosting a dialogue on critical considerations for the upcoming Summit of the Future.

Recent years have seen a surge in violent conflicts, with conflict-related deaths reaching a 28-year high in 2022. The growing intervention of external actors in internal wars has complicated conflict resolution efforts. The UN Secretary-General's New Agenda for Peace policy brief emphasizes the need for strong regional frameworks and recommends increased resources for regional organizations, proposing direct UN budget access for peace support operations led by the African Union (AU). The High-Level Advisory Board on Effective Multilateralism's "Breakthrough" report also suggests initiatives to strengthen the UN's relationship with regional organizations.

The Challenges Annual Forum in Addis Ababa on October 26-27 focused on similar issues, highlighting the importance of strengthened partnerships between the UN and AU. The forum emphasized the need for the UN to deepen partnerships with regional organizations like the AU and EU to enhance the multilateral security architecture. 

This dialogue will explore how experiences from African-led peace operations can contribute to the Summit of the Future's work on peace and security. It seeks to integrate insights from the Challenges Forum event with the AU and recommendations from the New Agenda for Peace and High-Level Advisory Board on regional conflict prevention.

Register here to attend online and in-person.  

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