Conflict prevention

Showing 1-12 of 62 results
Hideko Hadzialic


Women, Peace and Security — Why This Is So Critical


Working Paper

Diversity Among Peacekeepers: Who Is Involved in UN Peace Support Operations and How Does It Matter?

Identifying potential correlations between the personnel characteristics of peacekeeping missions and national and cross-border stability dynamics.

18 Apr 2024


Elevating the UN Peacebuilding Commission: Proposals for the Summit of the Future

Recommendations to improve the UN’s Peacebuilding Commission ahead of the Summit of the Future.

26 Jan 2024


Assessment Framework for UN Preventive Diplomacy: An Approach for UN Mediators and International Policymakers

A clear layout of the methodological challenges in evaluating political interventions in conflict and an impact assessment tool for practitioners.

10 Jan 2024


Predictive Technologies in Conflict Prevention: Practical and Policy Considerations for the Multilateral System

Adoption strategies that mitigate challenges related to the uptake of predictive technologies.

03 Jan 2024


Fragile Contexts Are Increasingly Battlegrounds in Geopolitical Contests

Rising global involvement in civil wars demands preventive measures like diplomacy frameworks and anti-intervention incentives.

12 Dec 2023