Conflict prevention

Showing 37-48 of 62 results


Rule of Law and Sustaining Peace

How has the UN’s rule of law support contributed to lowering the risks of violent conflict?

25 Oct 2021


Climate, Peace and Stability in SIDS and the Sahel: Lessons Learned and Next Steps

This UN General Assembly side-event was co-hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, the United Arab Emirates, adelphi and UNU-CPR.



Protecting Together

Identifying challenges confronting human rights and military components in volatile settings.

09 Aug 2021


Women in Water Management and Conflict Transformation

A Nexus Seminar Series event focusing on the role of water policy and gender relations in inclusive societal peace-building in Cyprus.



Volunteer Security Outfits in North East Nigeria

Presenting evidence on conflict transitions and related programming for policymakers and practitioners.

22 Apr 2021


Governing Uncertainty

Surveying major trends that will shape the future of global governance over the next 30 years.

31 Mar 2021


The Security Council and Conflict Prevention: Entry Points for Diplomatic Action

Exploring how the Security Council can design and implement preventive diplomatic strategies in response to emerging, escalating, and acute crises.

02 Mar 2021


Paving Pathways to Peace Talks with Sanctions Exemptions?

Outlining the existing constellation of exemptions related to peace talks and identifying implications for policy practitioners.

02 Dec 2020


The Political Practice of Peacekeeping: How Strategies for Peace Operations are Developed and Implemented

Clear, evidence-based approaches for facilitating political resolutions to conflict.

11 Sep 2020