This project seeks to generate, accelerate, and mainstream education on sustainable development. To realize this goal, it seeks to:
accelerate local and regional solutions to sustainability issues through education and training;
re-orient higher education towards education specifically on sustainable development;
conduct capacity building activities that support effective sustainable development education.
This project manages a series of capacity development and leadership training programmes that target various stakeholders including policymakers, young professionals, youth and practitioners. These programmes are designed to spur knowledge generation and learning for transformation.
The project encompasses two initiatives to facilitate policy-relevant research that contributes to international debates and policy processes for sustainability: the global multi-stakeholder network of Regional Centres of Expertise for Education on Sustainable Development (RCE Initiative) and an alliance of higher education institutions called the Promotion of Sustainability in Postgraduate Education and Research Network (ProSPER.Net).
For more on the RCE Initiative, visit
For more on ProSPER.Net, visit