United Nations University Institute in Macau (UNU Macau) visited Shenzhen, China, to meet with academia and private sector in the field of digital technologies, including Artificial Intelligence (AI). The trip was a chance to exchange knowledge and experiences, and explore opportunities for future collaboration.
On 18 October, UNU Macau’s team visited Huawei’s campus and learned about the company’s latest innovations and research in the field of digital technologies, as well as its initiatives focusing on youth development.

The team also visited the Guangming Laboratory, in Shenzhen University, on 19 October, and was introduced to their innovations and research work on AI.

UNU Macau’s team also paid a visit to Tencent on 19 October, where it learned about the company’s latest innovations in the field of digital technologies, their research on AI ethics and some of their projects related to youth.

During the discussions in Shenzhen, UNU Macau’s Director, Dr. Jingbo Huang, introduced the work and initiatives of UNU and our Institute, with UNU Macau’s Head of Research, Dr. Serge Stinckwich, and Senior Researcher and Team Lead Dr. Jaimee Stuart presenting the Institute’s research portefolio. Dr. Huang invited all visited partners to join the UNU Macau AI conference 25 April 2024, and welcomed them to join the UNU-led AI network to co-create a sustainable digital future for all.