From 24 to 28 May 2018, researchers from the United Nations University Institute in Macau participated in the 68th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA) held in Prague, Czech Republic. The conference brought together about 3,500 communications scholars to discuss and reflect on the theories, representations, and expression of this year's theme of Voices.
Juhee Kang presented her research on the use of mobile phones among North Korean migrants during their journey to South Korea at the "Mobility and Migration" session of the Mobile Communication Interest Group. Jenny Ju also presented a paper entitled "Acculturation and Identity Performance Presented via WeChat Moments" that describes how the WeChat platform represents their cultural adaptation process. Jenny also attended the panel "Border and Refugee Intercultural Experiences/Dynamics" to share her work on cross-border life of mainland Chinese dual migrants in Macao. Both of these research activities are undertaken within the Migrants Tech project at UNU Institute in Macau.
The conference provided a good opportunity for engaging with communication scholars involved with technology, media, and intercultural communication.