
Codesigning and Piloting Inclusive Participatory Procedures for Enacting the SDGs – From the Physical CoOPLAGE to the Digital CoOPILOT

CoOPLAGE group developed participatory decision methods for 20 years, focusing on "participatory engineering of participation".


Date: June 28, 2021

Time: 15:00 UTC+8 / 7:00 UTC via Zoom


For 20 years, the CoOPLAGE group of the Joint Research Unit G-EAU (INRAE & CIRAD, France) has been developing and extending internationally some inclusive participatory decision methods covering a wide range of needs from citizens to intermediary stakeholders and governments. It has used integrated water management as a trigger to get participants to tackle many other SDGs in these multi-stakeholders and multi-levels transformative processes. A specific focus has been put on the “participatory engineering of participation” (PrePar method), whereby participants codesign and legitimize their own decision rules. With a wide experience of participatory modeling, the group has been supporting participants in co-designing and using their own role playing games (Wat-A-Game), coupled with participatory planning (CoOPLAN). To enhance autonomous capacities, multi-social-impact monitoring (ENCORE) has been proposed and instrumented.

While most developments have been made for physical implementation (material apparatus), i.e. more robust and tuned to low-tech conditions, a mirror digital platform is being developed in partnership with Resurgences R&D, a social economy IT company.

In this talk, we’ll argue that targeting and integrating the SGDs in large territories requires several participatory decision steps from setting the procedural rules, to diagnosis, “comodeling”, participatory planning and piloting. Opening it to any stakeholders, including illiterate citizens, is an added challenge. Codesigning and implementing such multi-level participatory procedures requires new methods and tools which could, at a second order, select and organize other participatory solutions. After introducing the CoOPLAGE set of methods through implementation cases, we introduce the CoOPILOT web service dedicated to process managers and participants. We’ll discuss some design and extension issues, updating the results of a 2011 report for UNOSD.

You can watch the full talk here: