
Localizing the Sustainable Development Goals – Asian and European Perspectives and Beyond

BRUSSELS & ONLINE: This workshop will explore methods, practices, challenges and opportunities of SDG localization across regions, as well as at city and subnational levels.

- Europe/Brussels
Université libre de Bruxelles, European Studies Institute, Room Geremek, Av. FD Roosevelt 39 — 1050 Brussels, Belgium
Open to public

UNU-IAS will co-organize a workshop exploring SDG localization across regions — particularly but not limited to Asia and Europe — as well as at city and subnational levels. The event will feature presentations and discussions on emergent approaches and innovative initiatives on SDG localization and assess their transformative potential. It will consider the opportunities and challenges faced by city and subnational governments in localizing the SDGs, and suggest ways forward regarding policies, partnerships and coordinated actions.  

The workshop also aims to foster partnerships among international organizations and research institutions to support researchers, practitioners and policymakers in advancing SDG localization and local sustainability transitions. 

Participation & Registration

This event will be held online and on-site at the Université libre de Bruxelles, European Studies Institute, Avenue FD Roosevelt 39 – 1050 Bruxelles in Room Geremek. To participate remotely or in-person, please register in advance. 

Please note that participants in UNU events may appear in photography, screen captures, videos, and/or audio. For further information please refer to Events.


This event will be held in English. 


Programme details are available here


This event is co-organized by Waseda University Brussels Office, UNU-IAS and UNU-CRIS

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