
Video Illustrates Links between Culture and Biodiversity in Urban Gardens

A new UNU-IAS video on the connectivity between people, culture, biodiversity, and urban landscape in Kanazawa, Japan.

A new video explores the links between people, culture, biodiversity, and urban landscape in Kanazawa, Japan. Highlighting the symbiotic relationship between local artisans and traditional Japanese gardens, the video shows how humans and nature can co-exist to create a sustainable urban ecosystem rich in biocultural diversity.

"Gardens and the Lives of Artisans" is the second video in a series highlighting the role of urban nature in preserving biodiversity and promoting sustainable development. The series was developed as part of the Sustainable Urban Nature project implemented by the UNU-IAS Operating Unit Ishikawa/Kanazawa (OUIK) to raise awareness of the multiple benefits of urban gardens, such as biodiversity conservation, preservation of cultural values, and temperature regulation.

The video is available on the UNU-IAS YouTube channel.