
Nexus Seminar N.78 : Co-Creating Transformative Innovation Policy for Disruptive Sustainability: Navigating Its Discontents

UNU-FLORES and TU Dresden host monthly online Nexus Seminar Series with scholars and practitioners discussing diverse Nexus Resource topics

- Europe/Berlin
The built environment – the human-made spaces where we live, work, and play, has significant implications not only for the natural environment but also for the health, well-being, and productivity of the humans who inhabit it.

Nexus Seminar N.78 will welcome Dr. Britt Regal, Postdoctoral Research Associate at The Centre for Sustainable Business and The Productivity Institute. Dr. Regal’s research focuses on how organizations work collectively and with communities to deliver public value, currently in the context of sustainability. 

In this seminar, Dr. Regal will present her lecture titled “Co-Creating Transformative Innovation Policy for Disruptive Sustainability: Navigating Its Discontents.” The presentation will explore the challenges and opportunities in implementing transformative innovation policies aimed at addressing grand challenges, using the case of electric vehicle charging infrastructure in England. Dr. Regal will discuss how various stakeholders responded to uncertainties within radical sustainability shifts and highlight the potential risks, particularly at moving from localised solutions to national objectives.

The Nexus Seminar Series is coordinated by Prof. Serena Coetzee and Prof. Samanthi Dijkstra-Silva

About the Speaker: 

Dr. Regal joined the Productivity Institute and Centre for Sustainable Business after receiving her PhD in Public Administration and Organization Studies from King’s College London. Dr. Regal's research focuses on the dimensions of coordination and collaboration, including how organizations work collectively, engage with service users, and are influenced by cultural expectations and governance traditions in their participatory processes. Overall, her research aims to better comprehend how organizations can collaboratively deliver public value with service users and communities. Recently, Dr. Regal collaborated with Professors Damian Grimshaw, Marcela Miozzo, and Jonatan Pinkse on a UKRI-funded project examining the transition to net-zero transport. She is also working with the Centre for Sustainable Business to investigate how local governments and firms can better collaborate on localized sustainability solutions. Prior to her PhD, she worked as a secondary teacher and for Teach First in both school relationships and as a coach for second-year teachers

Background of the Series: 

UNU-FLORES, in collaboration with PRISMA – Centre for Sustainability Assessment and Policy on behalf of TU Dresden, is excited to announce the Nexus Seminar Series. The joint seminar series, which launched in 2015, features lectures by senior scholars and successful practitioners that highlight all dimensions of research on the Nexus Approach, ranging from hands-on implementation strategies to theoretical debates. The Nexus Seminars serve not only as a platform for scientific exchange and cooperation between UNU-FLORES and TU Dresden but also as a medium for the partner institutions to discuss their research with a broader audience. The Nexus Seminar, which takes place monthly during the academic semester, is open to the public and delivered virtually through online webinars. 

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