
E-Learning: Human Mobility in the Context of Climate Change (E-HM3C)

This project involves the development of an interactive e-learning course on Human Mobility in the Context of Climate Change.

Date Published
23 Sep 2021
Expected Start Date
15 Oct 2021
Expected End Date
31 Oct 2022
Project Type
Capacity Development
Project Status

This project involves the development of an interactive e-learning course on Human Mobility in the Context of Climate Change. The course is created for GIZ, the German Society for International Co-operation. The aim of the e-course is to strengthen the capacities of local, regional, national and international actors for handling migration, disaster displacement, planned relocation and immobility, in the context of climate change.

Impacts of climate change are already visible in all countries of the world. Extreme weather events are becoming more frequent across the globe, and gradual environmental changes are placing people’s lives and livelihoods at risk. The populations in atoll and island states as well as coastal regions of the Pacific, the Caribbean and the Philippines are especially hard hit by the impacts of climate change. Rising sea levels, sinking groundwater levels, and flooding in populated areas can deprive residents of their livelihoods and force them to leave their homes. Western and Eastern African countries are also heavily impacted, e.g. by droughts and flash floods. The impacts of climate change are expected to increase the number of people being forced to leave their homes. But not all people who suffer from the impacts of climate change are able to leave. Some become ‚trapped‘ in their place of origin due to a lack of financial, social and environmental resources.

With international agreements such as the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Global Compact for Migration (GCM), the international community has committed itself to manage climate-related migration more effectively in the future. This e-learning course aims to become an important resource for policy makers and practitioners for enhancing their knowledge about human mobility in the context of climate change. This will help them to respond more adequately to climate-induced migration, displacement and relocation. The course will also be a valuable resource for researchers and students who want to enhance their knowledge on climate mobility.

The self-paced course will consist of an introduction, 9 thematic modules and a closing module, which will take approximately 30 minutes each to complete. It will include a diverse set of interactive elements that stimulate learners’ engagement in the course (e.g. through short videos, animated illustrations, interactive graphics, personal stories and quizzes to test the learners’ progress).



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