
New insights and perspectives from UNU-CPR

UN New York
Showing 51-60 of 130 results

Blog Post 03 Apr 2020

States Back a UN-Led International Response to COVID-19: Now What?

Dr James Cockayne sets out four steps the UN Secretary-General can adopt for more coordinated global response to COVID-19.

Blog Post 04 Sep 2019

AI & Global Governance Platform: How Should UN Agencies Respond to AI and Big Data?

The three forces shaping United Nations approaches to Artificial Intelligence and big data.

Blog Post 21 Aug 2019

AI & Global Governance: When Autonomous Weapons Meet Diplomacy

New technologies could dramatically change how war is waged. We need to take AI seriously in diplomatic settings.

Blog Post 02 Aug 2019

AI & Global Governance: A Seat at the Negotiating Table for AI? Opportunities and Risks

Given the rapid and changing nature of AI, it is recommended that international governmental institutions assess considerations with urgency.

Blog Post 19 Jul 2019

AI & Global Governance: Human Rights and AI Ethics

Why Ethics Cannot be Replaced by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Blog Post 08 Jul 2019

AI & Global Governance: Using International Standards as an Agile Tool for Governance

Standards offer a first step to help erect guardrails in the international and market competition for AI.

Blog Post 26 Feb 2019

AI & Global Governance: The Advantages of Applying the International Human Rights Framework to Artificial Intelligence

How the International Human Rights framework could contribute to the design, use, and governance of AI.

Blog Post 26 Feb 2019

AI & Global Governance: Turning the Tide on Crime with Predictive Policing

Explaining how AI can benefit law enforcement - and why this might be dangerous.

Blog Post 16 Jan 2019

AI & Global Governance: AI in Africa is a Double-Edged Sword

Can Artificial Intelligence be a useful tool for augmenting state capacity in weak and fragile contexts?

Blog Post 20 Dec 2018

AI & Global Governance: Why We Need an Intergovernmental Panel for Artificial Intelligence

Striking a balance between enabling innovation and mitigating risks.