Showing 61-72 of 93 results
Panel Session Examines Climate Displacement & Access to Education in Asia-Pacific
On 21 April, 2022 UNU-IAS co-organised a session at the 66th Annual Conference of the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES 2022).
Experts Discuss Latest Green, Digital Solutions for Localising the SDGs
UNU-IAS co-organised a symposium on green and digital transformation to achieve the SDGs.
Priorities for Subnational Governments to Overcome COVID-19 and Accelerate SDGs Localisation
A new UNU-IAS report and video offers insights into the challenges and opportunities facing local governments during the global pandemic.
Climate Academy Webinar Series: Nature-based Solutions and Urban Vulnerability
A series of online events focused on reducing vulnerability to climate change in urban areas through nature-based solutions.
UNU Water Network Hosts World Water Week Session on Building Resilience in Water Management
With over 60 international participants, the event showcased UNU’s expertise on, and commitment to, achieving resilience in water management.
COVID-19 and Development – Effects and New Realities for the Global South
The 2021 WIDER Development Conference will discuss impacts of the COVID-19 crisis in the Global South and how to support recovery.
Building Resilience in Water Management with Multi-stakeholder Engagement
UNU-IAS organised an interactive discussion session on resilience in water management during the annual World Water Week conference.
Building Resilience in Water Management with Multi-stakeholder Engagement
As part of World Water Week 2021, this event will explore ways to enhance the resilience of societies to water-related and other challenges.
Blog Post
Safety in AI Systems
The concept of safety cements the need to ensure trustworthiness, preservation of human rights and the potential to promote sustainability and peace.
Higher Education Sustainability Initiative Special Event at HLPF 2021
An online session exploring the role of higher education in achieving Sustainable Development Goals and promoting resilient recovery.
Urban Flood Management in a Data-Scarce Environment
This Nexus Seminar Series event will discuss managing floods in urban environments affected by climate change.