
Showing 13-24 of 31 results
Elizabeth Spehar

Conversation Series

New Challenges for Multilateralism and Peace


Press Release

Leading UN Think Tank to Launch Geneva Presence

UNU-CPR is delighted to announce that it will open its doors in Geneva with the support of the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs.

22 Feb 2022


Protecting Together

Identifying challenges confronting human rights and military components in volatile settings.

09 Aug 2021


Political Practice of Peacekeeping: Publication Launch Event

This event launched a United Nations University Centre for Policy Research and Stimson Center joint publication on peacekeeping.

Media Coverage

The Future of Multidimensional Peacekeeping

UN peacekeeping may appear poised for a major shift in the near future.

15 Sep 2020

Media Coverage

Why COVID-19 Offers a Chance to Transform UN Peacekeeping

The global pandemic offers an opportunity for the UN to transform peacekeeping.

28 May 2020


Conflict Prevention in the Era of Climate Change: Adapting the UN to Climate-Security Risks

Supporting the UN and its partners to develop climate-sensitive conflict prevention approaches.

21 Mar 2020


Project: Conflict Prevention in the Sahel: Emerging Practice Across the UN

Supporting the UN’s understanding of the situation in the Sahel - and how it can better respond to current and emerging risks

13 Jan 2020

Media Coverage

What will the Next US Ambassador to UN do with Peacekeeping?

The questions left unasked and unanswered regarding her positions on peace and security, particularly on UN peacekeeping.

29 Jul 2019

Media Coverage

Realism Should Guide the Next Generation of UN Peacekeeping

A new era of realism should guide expectations of UN peacekeeping.

23 May 2019

Media Coverage

Al Jazeera Interview - Why are Peacekeepers Leaving Mali?

The effectiveness of UN Peacekeepers in Mali.

01 Apr 2019

Media Coverage

Can Data Save UN Peacekeeping?

The effectiveness of UN peacekeeping in protecting civilians caught up in civil wars.

28 Mar 2019