
Political Practice of Peacekeeping: Publication Launch Event

This event launched a United Nations University Centre for Policy Research and Stimson Center joint publication on peacekeeping.

America/New York

This event launched a United Nations University Centre for Policy Research and Stimson Center joint publication titled The Political Practice of Peacekeeping: How Strategies for Peace Operations are Developed and Implemented. Based on five in-depth case studies of the largest peacekeeping operations today and drawing on insights from senior UN leaders, the publication explores how the UN develops and implements political strategies in some of the most complex and dangerous places in the world. 

A recording of the event can be accessed here.


Victoria K. Holt

Vice President
Stimson Center

Karin Landgren

Executive Director
Security Council Report

Ameerah Haq

Former vice-chair, High-Level Independent Panel on Peace Operations and former Special Representative of the Secretary-General

Major General (Ret.) Patrick Cammaert

Former General officer commanding the Eastern Division MONUC

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