
Strengthening the G7’s Role in Conflict Prevention and Resolution

What policy options can the G7 adopt to strengthen its global conflict prevention and resolution role.

A new UNU-CPR discussion paper demonstrates how the G7 and its individual countries can achieve their peace and security goals via investment in the multilateral system.  

Publication follows a shift in the global strategic and security environment following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and recent G7 meetings on peace and security.

Conflict Prevention and Resolution in a Multipolar World: Priorities for the G7 was commissioned by the German Federal Foreign Office (GFFO).

The paper offers an analysis of today’s conflict trends; highlights the role of negotiated, non-military settlements to disputes; argues the business case for G7 engagement in multilateral conflict resolution; and maps the multilateral conflict resolution architecture and the UN Secretary-General’s call for a ‘New Agenda for Peace.’ Finally, it proposes a framework for G7 policymaking that will position the group to engage with multilateral conflict resolution.

The overarching message is that the G7 can more effectively reduce the risks of large-scale violent conflict through targeted investments in multilateral peacemaking and peacebuilding, including via the New Agenda for Peace process.

Read Conflict Prevention and Resolution in a Multipolar World: Priorities for the G7 here.