
Showing 1-12 of 21 results


Tokyo Blue Talk: Advances Towards a Sustainable and Healthy Ocean — The Impact of Plastic Pollution on a Sustainable Blue Economy

TOKYO: On 9 May 2024, UNU and the Embassies of Costa Rica and France in Japan will co-host a Tokyo Blue Talk to discuss the impact of ocean pollution.


Ice field with melting ice sheets


The Role of Science in Building a Sustainable Society



International Workshop Bringing Plastic Full Cycle: Advancing Sustainability in Governance and Technology

This international workshop aims to enhance the ongoing collaboration for plastic governance and management between UNU-FLORES and K-ECO.



Greening the Blue Report 2022 Shows UN System Accelerating Efforts on Environmental Governance and Environmental Training

The annual Greening the Blue Report provides UN system-wide data on management functions and environmental impact.

14 Dec 2022


Video Spotlights Award-Winning Student Project Tackling Microplastic Pollution

The Pla-Girls Team, a group of female students from Japan, have been developing innovative solutions to address marine microplastic pollution.

29 Sep 2022


Symposium Discusses Citizen Science and Blue Carbon Projects for Seascape Restoration

The event shared experiences of community-based activities and governance for seascape restoration.

28 Sep 2022


Second Symposium on Community-based Activities and Governance for Seascape Restoration

UNU-IAS will host an online symposium on community-based activities and governance for seascape restoration.
