Health and well-being

Access to good health and well-being is a human right and the foundation of human prosperity. Although significant progress has been made in improving the health of billions of people since 2000, major hurdles remain — particularly in developing countries, where women and children are most vulnerable. 

UNU’s health-related research untangles the growing social, economic, and environmental complexity that threatens to outpace the ability of governments and communities to manage the well-being of their citizens. Our work assesses key elements of healthy development to ensure they are reinforced by health policy.

Showing 181-192 of 289 results


Making a Difference – Achieving People-Centred Care in 2022

Symposium: Achieving people-centered care in 2022. Explore impactful strategies for making a difference.


Working Local, Thinking Global Seminar Series: Engaging Evidence in Policy Making Towards the SDGs

Join the seminar series: Working Local, Thinking Global. Learn about evidence-based policy-making for SDGs.


Conversation Series

Shifting Power in Global Health: Voices and Lessons From Across the South

Exploring Global Health: Voices and lessons from the Global South in a transformative scientific meeting.



3rd COVID-19 Global Research and Innovation Forum

Join the forum for innovative insights and collaborative solutions at the 3rd COVID-19 Global Research event.



Launch of a New WHO-UNICEF Report on Formula Milk Marketing

Report on how the marketing of commercial milk formula impacts infant feeding decisions.



Gender, Equity, Human Rights, and PHC “Community of Practice” Session

Participate in a seminar focusing on gender equity, human rights, and primary healthcare in a community of practice session.



Webinar: Infant and Young Child Feeding: Policy, Power and Politics

Exploring policy dynamics, power, and politics in infant and young child feeding through a webinar.



Infant and Young Child Feeding: Policy, Power, and Politics

UNU-IIGH will host the webinar "Infant and Young Child Feeding: Policy, Power, and Politics".
