
Showing 1-12 of 25 results
Redefining Multilateralism


Redefining Multilateralism



Symposium Discusses Transforming the Global Food System for Sustainability

The online event was held as part of the UN Weeks at Sophia University in Tokyo, Japan.

30 Oct 2023


Globalization in Crisis — Confronting a New Economic Reality

ONLINE/OSLO: On 10 October 2023, UNU-WIDER will host the 27th WIDER Annual Lecture with Pinelopi (Penny) Goldberg.



Webinar and Panel Discussion: The Importance of Social Justice and Sustainability for textile Engineers

UNU-FLORES and AUST " hosted an exciting webinar & panel discussion on “The importance of social justice and sustainability for textile engineers”.


Conversation Series

“Fair or Foul? Higher Education in Japan”, a Conversation with Prof. Paul Snowden

On 25 January 2023, UNU will host a conversation with Prof. Paul Snowden, former Vice-President of Kyorin University, Tokyo.
