Showing 49-60 of 377 results
Localizing the Sustainable Development Goals – Asian and European Perspectives and Beyond
BRUSSELS & ONLINE: This workshop will explore methods, practices, challenges and opportunities of SDG localization across regions, as well as at city and subnational levels.
Varieties of Middle-income Trap: A Latin American Perspective on Structural Change Trajectories and External Demand Constraints
MAASTRICHT & ONLINE: UNU-MERIT's UNESCO Chair on Science, Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Development for Latin America will host a research seminar featuring Prof. Dr. Carlos Bianchi from the Institute of Economics at the University of the Republic (UDELAR) in Uruguay.
11th MACIMIDE Annual Work Conference
Join the 11th MACIMIDE Conference on migration and development at UNU-MERIT on Sept 23, 2024
How big does a 'big-push' poverty intervention need to be? Evidence from experimental variation in the size of asset transfers
MAASTRICHT & ONLINE: The UNU-MERIT Seminar Series kicks off the new academic year with a seminar featuring Christine Valente, Professor of Economics at the University of Bristol.
ProSPER.Net 2024 Sustainability Forum
MANILA & ONLINE: This event will focus on the pivotal role of higher education and multisectoral cooperation in advancing the circular economy.
Capacity Development News
This Series tracks recent news and developments of our Capacity Development Office.
UNESCO Chair News
Read the latest news from UNU-MERIT’s UNESCO Chair on Science, Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Development for Latin America.
In the Media
This blog series highlights UNU-MERIT staff, researchers and PhD fellows who have been featured in the news media.