
Beyond Opportunism: The UN Development System’s Response to the Triple Planetary Crisis

Humanity is facing an existential threat: the interlinked effects of climate change, biodiversity loss & pollution – a Triple Planetary Crisis. 

UNU-INRA and  UNU-CPR partnered with the UN Development Coordination Office to support an in-depth exchange amongst UN Resident Coordinators and their UN peers on the theme Triple Planetary Crisis: nature, climate change, pollution.

Humanity is facing an existential threat: the interlinked effects of climate change, biodiversity loss & pollution – a Triple Planetary Crisis

Although the scientific community has collectively sounded the alarm on the rapid degradation of planetary resources, manifest ecological overload, as well as the erosion of the ecological foundations of our economies, the international community is still not doing enough to mitigate these impacts either as an individual or collective threats.

A new report by UNU-INRA and UNU-CPR makes recommendations to support UN Country Teams to respond to the crisis.

UNU-CPR and UNU-INRA were commissioned to supply this analysis and engaged with Resident Coordinators and UN experts to solicit best practices and document the constraints experienced by Resident Coordinators on the ground specifically in relation to the Triple Planetary Crisis.

UNU-INRA Director, Fatima Denton, co-authored the report with Dr David Passarelli, Dr Adam Day from UNU-CPR.

View in UNU Collections here:

Beyond Opportunism: The UN Development System’s Response to the Triple Planetary Crisis

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