Tenth Japan Youth Environmental Activity Contest Names Winner
Students from Hokkaido Iwamizawa Agricultural High School receive Director's Award for a project on sustainable energy solutions in agriculture.
Media Coverage
Education and Diversity to Mitigate Bias in AI
An op-ed in UN Today argues for strengthening AI literacy to mitigate bias risks.
Media Coverage
Expert Interview Discusses Sustainability Efforts in Africa & Japan
Mark Akrofi calls for equitable energy transitions and highlights the role of individual lifestyles in climate action.
New Podcast Explores the Impact and Potential of Artificial Intelligence
Subscribe now for insightful conversations with leading experts on AI in education and sustainability.
Media Coverage
Article Examines Outcomes of the 2024 UN Biodiversity Conference
The article highlights progress made at CBD COP 16 in recognizing the role of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities.
Media Coverage
UNU-IAS Postgraduate Degree Programmes Featured in Friends of WHO Journal
The article highlights research opportunities available to students, including in global health and well-being.
Tenth Japan Youth Environmental Activity Contest
The annual event engages youth across Japan to share their solutions to local and global environmental issues.
Media Coverage
Upcoming UNU-IAS Symposium on Landscape Conservation Highlighted in Japanese Media
Hokkoku Shimbun featured an international symposium to be held in Kanazawa, Japan in May 2025.
Media Coverage
Yomiuri Shimbun Spotlights UNU-IAS Director in Profile Feature
Prof. Shinobu Yume Yamaguchi shared insights on her academic and professional journey and the activities of UNU-IAS.
Media Coverage
Circular Economy Education to Tackle Plastic Pollution
Writing in Down To Earth, UNU-IAS expert Anupam Khajuria calls for embedding circular economy education in the future plastic pollution treaty.