
Meeting of UNFCCC Adaptation Committee Builds Regional Collaboration

The meeting focused on enhancing cooperation on climate change adaptation efforts in Asia.

During 28–29 August 2023, UNU-IAS contributed to a meeting of the UNFCCC Adaptation Committee in Incheon, Republic of Korea, focused on building collaboration for region-wide adaptation efforts. Held as part of Korea Global Adaptation Week 2023, the meeting brought together experts from UN agencies, regional organisations, development banks, and other stakeholders.

Akio Takemoto (Head of Programme and Administration, UNU-IAS) delivered an “icebreaker” speech for a workshop session on the topic “Recognising Opportunities for Strengthening Coherent Implementation and Support.” The session considered areas in which further cooperation could increase efficiency, and how to enhance synergies in these areas.

Dr Takemoto shared insights from energy transformation efforts in Japan, including smart plant systems in urban areas. Recognising that businesses would play an important role in spearheading adaptation, he urged the scientific community to consider investment scenarios and collaborate with the private sector. Dr Takemoto highlighted emerging business opportunities in adaptation including the development of durable infrastructure. He underlined that enhancing private sector engagement would require coordination to align national adaptation plans and the long-term plans developed by businesses. During the workshop participants exchanged a range of diverse opinions on how to fill adaptation gaps and enhance synergies.

Panel discussion at the UNFCCC Adaptation Meeting 2023
Photo: UNU-IAS