Media Coverage

Diplomatic Courier Article Promotes Wastewater Surveillance for Tackling Pandemics

Diplomatic Courier published an article by UNU-IAS expert Sadhana Shrestha focusing on how wastewater surveillance can help fight pandemic.

On 19 April 2022, Diplomatic Courier, a global affairs media network, published an article by Sadhana Shrestha (Postdoctoral Fellow, UNU-IAS) focusing on how wastewater surveillance can help fight pandemics.


Our wastewater is much more than waste. The sewage flowing below our feet can provide early warning that diseases like COVID-19 are spreading, help us understand how they spread, and empower us to mitigate their potentially devastating impact. As countries discuss a global agreement to tackle future pandemics, they should make the monitoring of wastewater a key consideration in ongoing negotiations. Wastewater surveillance is cost effective and has enormous potential to strengthen global preparedness as we seek ways to better respond to future health emergencies.

The full article is available on the Diplomatic Courier website.