
RCE Youth Biodiversity Art Challenge Exhibition

TOKYO: From May to July 2023, UNU-IAS will hold an exhibition showcasing some of the winning artworks from the 2022 RCE Youth Biodiversity Art Challenge.

- Asia/Tokyo
Global Environment Outreach Centre, 5–53–70 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-8925

UNU-IAS will hold an exhibition showcasing some of the winning artworks from the 2022 RCE Youth Biodiversity Art Challenge, highlighting species, habitats, and ecosystems in need of protection. Entries included drawings, paintings, crafts, digital art, and photographs created by youth from around the world with focus on SDG 14 (life below water) or SDG 15 (life on land).


The exhibition will be held at the Global Environment Outreach Centre at UNU Headquarters in Tokyo, Japan. Entrance is free and open to all. No registration is required.


The RCE Youth Art Challenge is a worldwide art contest organised annually by UNU-IAS and the Global RCE Service Centre. Open to anyone aged 35 or younger, the challenge aims to bring awareness to sustainability issues such as climate change and biodiversity loss.

Opening Hours

The Global Environmental Outreach Centre (GEOC) is open during the following hours:

10:00–18:00 (Tuesday – Friday)
10:00–17:00 (Saturday)
Sunday, Monday, and holidays