
Ending Gender-based Violence and Achieving the SDGs

UNDP has partnered with UNU-IIGH on the project Costing and Financing: Ending GBV and Achieving the SDGs.

- America/New York
On 21 September 2022, UNDP and the UNU International Institute for Global Health (UNU-IIGH) will co-corganise the event "Ending GBV and Achieving the SDGs: Taking Stock of Lessons Learned from Local Responses to GBV".
UNDP has been implementing a global initiative on "Ending GBV and Achieving the SDGs", funded by the Republic of Korea. The initiative is testing new approaches to reduce gender-based violence and accelerate progress towards other development goals in seven countries: Bhutan, Indonesia, Iraq, Lebanon, Peru, Republic of Moldova and Uganda.
As part of this global initiative, UNDP has partnered with UNU-IIGH on the project Costing and Financing: Ending GBV and Achieving the SDGs.
This event will take stock of lessons learned about effective policy and local responses to gender-based violence using participatory models, and from adapting to deliver in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and other national-level political and environmental fluctuating contexts.
The event will provide an opportunity to:
  • explore models of local participatory responses to GBV and lessons from adaptation;
  • share findings, recommendations, and lessons learned from participatory planning and paying pilot projects;
  • discuss accelerating multi-sectoral action and funding for local participatory and integrated approaches to end GBV.

The session will be highly interactive to ensure ample time for discussion and learning.

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