The Climate Justice Resilience Fund (CJRF) has completed six years of grantmaking, and they are now in the process of learning from their work. CJRF has funded work on climate-forced displacement and migration as a core issue area since its inception, and this work contributed to development of a special initiative on climate-induced loss and damage (L&D). To inform ongoing growth of this initiative, CJRF commissioned a review of its portfolio of displacement and migration-oriented grants. This portfolio has seven grants, including grants to partners in the North American Arctic, Bangladesh, and one global grant. The grant partners work on issues of displacement and migration in different ways, in very different contexts. This diversity will provide different perspectives on a core set of themes for the review.
The themes of the review include:
- Approaches to addressing displacement and migration: what are the various ways in which partners approached these issues (e.g., planning for relocation, supporting migration, supporting trapped people, etc.)? What participatory methodologies were used when addressing issues of displacement and migration, and how effective were they?
- How does displacement and migration address loss and damage: did the grant-funded interventions enable communities to adapt and address their experiences of loss and damage, and if yes, how and to what extent? What needs remain outstanding?
- Lessons for grantmaking: what could have been done differently to provide improved support? How can these grants inform good practice in grant modalities and expectations of outcomes and impact?