Maria Dewi

Maria Bernadet Karina Dewi

Associate Academic Officer

Ph.D., Urban Planning, University of Tokyo, Japan, 2018
M.Eng., Urban Planning, University of Tokyo, Japan, 2013
B. Eng., Architecture, Sepuluh November Institute of Technology, Surabaya, Indonesia, 2010
Bachelor of Built Environment, Urban and Regional Planning, Saxion University of Applied Sciences, Deventer, the Netherlands (dual degree programme), 2010
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Dr. Dewi is interested in enhancing the early warning systems through an integration of vulnerability and exposure components in multiple sectors, and in optimizing impact-based early warning in reducing disaster losses. Dr. Dewi is currently working on a project in co-developing an actionable impact-based early-warning systems in the IGAD region.

In the VARMAP team, Dr. Dewi leads the day-to-day activities of the EarlyWarning4IGAD project in East Africa and coordinating with consortium partners. This project coverage is the IGAD countries in East Africa, and pilots in Kenya and Ethiopia. In this project, she contributed to the co-development of the impact-based early warning approach for drought and for flood with partners and stakeholders. Dr. Dewi has 5 years of experience in developing and implementing the impact-based forecasting methodology in Asia and the Pacific Region to support countries through regional Climate Outlook Forums. She also provided capacity-building activities for the national hydro-meteorological services in the region on developing impact-based forecasting and multi-sectoral risk analytics for the rapid-onset disaster, seasonal forecast and climate projection data.

Prior to joining UNU-EHS, Dr. Dewi served as the Disaster Risk Reduction Expert for the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) and United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR). She was also one of the main authors of several UN publications such as ESCAP’s flagship publication named the Asia-Pacific Disaster Reports, training manuals and policy briefs, and contributed substantially to the WMO State of the Climate reports.

Dr. Dewi has presented her research at regional forums in Asia and Africa. She was also invited as a resource person at the India Institute of Technology in New Delhi and annually at the University of Newcastle, Australia. Dr. Dewi has received the UN ESCAP Innovation Awards for the Risk and Resilience Portal – a portal aimed to support member countries in prioritizing climate adaptation measures in 2022. She was also one of the finalists of the same award from the category of Publication and Storyboard explaining the climatic impacts and adaptation strategies of the Aral Sea catastrophes.

For more information please visit her Research Gate or Linkedin profiles.