The report titled “Assessment of Portuguese Hospitals’ Websites using HOSPI 2023 Edition” by Delfina Soares, Demetrios Sarantis, and Joana Carvalho has been published.
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It presents the results of the third application of the Health Online Service Provision Index (HOSPI), evaluating 102 websites of Portuguese public and private hospitals between June and August 2023. The HOSPI instrument comprises four criteria: content, services, community interaction and technology features, assessed through direct website observation.
The report offers a global ranking of hospital websites, along with breakdowns by each criterion, hospital type (public/private), population distribution, geographical area and NUTS II regions. It aims to inform hospitals and policymakers on best practices to improve the online provision of health services.
Key findings include Grupo Luz leading the global ranking, followed by IPO do Porto Francisco Gentil and Grupo CUF. The analysis also identifies top performers in each individual criterion. A comparison with previous editions (2021 and 2019) shows an overall improvement in hospitals’ online presence. Notably, private hospitals score higher in Services and Technology, while public hospitals perform better in Content and Community Interaction.