
Events at UNU-EGOV

Showing 1-10 of 45 results

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Overview of the Civic Tech Field Guide

Reviewing the open-source project Civic Tech Field Guide with Matt Stempeck

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The Use of Embedded Indicators as a Means to Assess the Impact of eGovernment Systems on Good Governance

Seminar given by Driss Kettani, professor at Al Akhawayn University.

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Explainable identification of predictive factors for successful inter-agency partnerships

The seminar showcases an AI engine for ranking partnership success factors and improving decision-making in multilateral development organizations.

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Digital transformation in the public sector and the bureaucratic model: A (quasi) systematic literature review

This paper reviews digital transformation in governance, identifying key themes on its effects, implementation, and street-level bureaucracy.

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Digital Transformation in the Public Sector: a Guided Tour

A tutorial offering a technical roadmap for computer scientists driving public sector digital transformation, with examples from Barcelona and Chicago

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Critical Success Factors and Challenges for Strategic Communication among Government and Stakeholders in Health Digitalization

Strategic communication is vital for effective digital health initiatives, ensuring equitable access and addressing challenges in health services.

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Citizen Participation in Digital Health Initiatives: the Context of Public Sector Innovation Labs in Brazil

This research aims to enhance citizen engagement in Digital Health initiatives in Brazil, making it more inclusive.

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Artificial Intelligence and Development: the Missing Link

This seminar clarifies AI4D's role in ICT4D, ensuring AI technologies genuinely support development goals.

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Digital transformation in Oman: Aims, objectives and trajectory

Oman has been on a transformative journey to modernize its economy and society through the strategic implementation of digital technologies.

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Development of Digital Government at the subnational level: measurement experiences from Latin America

Seminar on subnational digital governance in Latin America and benchmarking measurement tools.