Media Coverage

UNU-CPR research and perspectives covered by global media.

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Showing 21-30 of 92 results

Media Coverage 07 Feb 2022

Targeted Sanctions Are Trendy, but Not Very Effective

The prevalence and limitations of unilateral and targeted sanctions imposed by Western nations and regional organizations.

Media Coverage 25 Jan 2022

Rudderless Diplomacy Is Exacerbating Afghanistan’s Crisis

An analysis of the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan.

Media Coverage 07 Dec 2021

Can the UN Help Wean Us Off Our Fossil Fuel Addiction?

The political leadership of the world’s most powerful, polluting states should seize the opportunity to act on their promises today.

Media Coverage 01 Dec 2021

Five Years on From Colombia’s Peace Agreement, Gender Inequality Remains an Obstacle to Lasting Peace

Ongoing barriers to gender equality in Colombia five years on from the signing of the Peace Agreement.

Media Coverage 11 Nov 2021

Can the UN Help Wean Us Off Our Fossil Fuel Addiction?

Whether the UN could help to wean the world off fossil fuels.

Media Coverage 09 Nov 2021

Addressing Afghanistan’s Crisis Will Require Dealing With the Taliban

Five steps that policymakers can take to prevent this coming humanitarian and political calamity.

Media Coverage 06 Nov 2021

Donors’ Dilemma: How to Help Hungry Afghans ... Not the Taliban

The dilemma facing donor countries on humanitarian aid for Afghanistan.

Media Coverage 31 Oct 2021

Will the COP26 Climate Meeting Be a Turning Point for Women?

The 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties, or COP26.

Media Coverage 26 Oct 2021

At the UN, Climate Change and Security Must Be Tackled Together

The UN must undergo an organisational shift in order to tackle the growing connections between climate change and conflict.

Media Coverage 03 Sep 2021

Should the UN Deploy a Peacekeeping Operation in Afghanistan? Wrong Question.

The need to first consider the demand side of the equation, what Afghanistan needs.