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Three options for the UN to lead in Gaza

Demands for a ceasefire should continue, but the organisation is capable of much more.

This week, a UN General Assembly resolution calling for a humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza was passed by an overwhelming majority: 153 in favour and only 10 against. The Gaza resolution garnered 10 more votes than the March 2022 resolution condemning Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. In strictly numerical terms, the US is now more isolated internationally than Russia. This clearly has US President Joe Biden worried. He has issued increasingly blunt warnings to Israel about dwindling international support for its military operation in Gaza.

But a ceasefire, on its own, appears to be unacceptable to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has said he would see any pause in the fighting as giving Hamas time to regroup. A standalone ceasefire also would do little to shape a much-needed intra-Palestinian process to determine new leadership in Gaza, or to contribute to a withdrawal of Israeli troops. This is a moment for the UN to offer a vision for Gaza that goes beyond a humanitarian pause in the fighting. There are three options that could be added to demands for a ceasefire in Gaza.

Read more of the original article published in The National News here.