
Water is a core component of sustainable development that inherently links livelihoods, ecosystems, populations, and infrastructure. UNU water-related research addresses the needs of low- and middle-income countries, with a particular focus on policy guidance, natural resources planning, and new technology.

For example, our research on water, sanitation, and hygiene, and on wastewater management and reuse, bridges science, policy, and practice to pair innovative technologies with communities in need.

Showing 217-219 of 219 results


Assessing Financial Needs for Implementing UNCCD National Drought Plans and Drought-Related Processes

This project will assess the financial needs for drought processes and develop the case for preparation, mitigation and response to drought.

15 Mar 2024


Assessment of early warning systems in four Indian Ocean Island States (IOC-EWS)

This project will assess the human resources, equipment, and protocols of the EW-EAS systems in Indian Ocean countries and make recommendations.

15 Mar 2024


Optimizing Water Management Strategies: A Resource Nexus Approach to Impactful Water-Food Sustainability in Water-scarce Areas (NEAR-Nexus Impact Irrigation)

This project researches how adaptive strategies of water management for agriculture can be implemented to deal with the emergence of water scarcity.

06 Nov 2024