Sustainable cities and communities

By 2030, 60 per cent of the global population will reside in cities. As dense hubs of global activity, cities present some of the greatest challenges among the Sustainable Development Goals. From housing, public health, and employment, to natural resource consumption and transportation, achieving the SDGs will hinge on urban planning initiated now.

UNU research on sustainable urbanisation seeks to overcome the tendency to treat urban issues (such as governance, water, waste, health, economic development, or vulnerability to natural hazards) as discrete problems and instead find integrated, interdisciplinary solutions.

Showing 205-216 of 266 results


Sustainable Water Resources Management in Asian Cities: Challenges & Opportunities

On 25 October, UNU-IAS will host the webinar "Sustainable Water Resources Management in Asian Cities: Challenges & Opportunities".  


Press Release

New UN Tool Maps Floods Since 1985

United Nations University-led experts have debuted a new tool that generates instant, accurate street-level resolution maps of floods worldwide.

01 Oct 2021


Climate Academy Webinar Series: Nature-based Solutions and Urban Vulnerability

A series of online events focused on reducing vulnerability to climate change in urban areas through nature-based solutions.



Climate, Peace and Stability in SIDS and the Sahel: Lessons Learned and Next Steps

This UN General Assembly side-event was co-hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, the United Arab Emirates, adelphi and UNU-CPR.



New UNU Macau Research Finds that Improving the Cyber Resilience of Local Civil Society Organisations is Crucial Amid Increasing Cybersecurity Risks

Digitalisation makes organisations more resilient in crises, but leads to increased cybersecurity risks, which may impair long-term operations.

31 Aug 2021


Urban Flood Management in a Data-Scarce Environment

This Nexus Seminar Series event will discuss managing floods in urban environments affected by climate change.



Call for Applications: ESD Okayama Award 2021

UNU-IAS is now accepting applications for the ESD Okayama Award 2021.

27 May 2021


UNU Researchers Win IN3+ Award

Researchers affiliated with UNU-EGOV won the prestigious IN3+ Award 2021.

08 Apr 2021