Showing 37-47 of 47 results
Conversation Series
"My Water, Our Water”, a Conversation with Mr Robin Lewis and Prof. Taikan Oki
An online event discussing trends in global water issues and initiatives to help overcome water-related challenges.
A McMaster Global Event- Thinking Water: Water Without Borders (WWB) Conference
Thinking Water During Times of Political Instability – The South American Challenge
Striving to attain water and sanitation for all: The SDG 6 Policy Support System (SDG-PSS)
Ensuring availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
Media Coverage
UN University Expert Team Roots for Recycling of Industrial Water
An article in The Hindu featured UNU-IAS experts working as part of the institute's Water for Sustainable Development project.
Addressing Wicked Resource Management Problems
This project aims at identifying ways to better handle wicked resource management problems, both from a management and from a governance perspective.
Potential Impact of Climate Change on Norovirus Incidence and Seasonality: Water Ecology and Human Health
This project examines the possible influence of climate factors on norovirus occurrence in both temperate and tropical countries.
Organisational Decision-Making in Water Reuse for Smart Cities (SMART-WaterDomain)
This project aims to provide a systematic framework to facilitate the uptake of wastewater reuse in the industrial/ agricultural sector.
Emergency preparedness planning for water supply and sanitation in health care facilities - organisational and technical solution strategies to increase resilience (NOWATER)
This project aims to deepen understanding of the factors that promote or hinder the continued operation of health and care facilities during crises.
Organisational Decision-Making in Water Reuse for Smart Cities (SMART-WaterDomain)
This project aims to provide a systematic framework to facilitate the uptake of wastewater reuse in the industrial/ agricultural sector.